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Do you feel angry if you had banned from sending friend requests !?




Related : Cancelling Facebook Friends Requests All at Once - Chrome Extension 

Why am I blocked from sending friend requests?

If your account is temporarily blocked from sending friend requests, it may be because friend requests you’ve sent have gone unanswered or been marked as unwelcome. In the future, you should send friend requests to people you have a real-life connection to, like your friends, family, coworkers, or classmates. Make sure to use your real name and picture to help the people you're friending recognize you.

If you're interested in receiving updates from people you find interesting, but don't know personally (ex: journalists, celebrities, political figures), try following them instead of sending them friend requests.

To learn more about facebook policies, review their Community Standards.

 How i prevent facebook from giving me friend requests ban !?


Ofcourse Facebook system will not give you ban after one facebook user reject your

request , by following those steps here you will avoif your account from getting friend

requests ban . 

 Click friends icon , then click " See All " 


Click " View Sent Requests " 


or simply click this link : to open the required page directly 


In the next page , you will fined all users that you already sent them friend request 

You can cancel the  unwanted requests as the down image shows . 

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