Youtube platform is same as other platforms, it cares about user's privacy,Youtube may delete your video if it variolated user's privacy, but this is different than intellectual property!
If your video shows a person face, then this person can fill a privacy file to claim to take your content down as it vaiolats his privacy, Youtube will follow up and send you an email, gives you 48 hour to blur this person face or your content will be restricted.
Here how to blur faces on your youtube video
Atuto Face blur
- Sign in to YouTube Studio.
- From the left-hand menu, select Content.
- Click the video that you'd like to edit.
- From the left-hand menu, click Editor.
- Click BLUR PARTS OF YOUR VIDEO and select Face Blur.
- Once processing is complete, select the faces that you'd like to blur, then click Apply.
- Click and drag the box to adjust the blur.
- Click Save.
Manual or Custom blur
- Sign in to YouTube Studio.
- From the left-hand menu, select Content.
- Click the video that you'd like to edit.
- From the left-hand menu, click Editor.
- Click BLUR PARTS OF YOUR VIDEO and select Custom Blur.
- Click and drag the box to adjust the blur.
- Click Save.
More options
- Move the blurred box to a different place: Click and drag within the box.
- Change the blur shape: Select Rectangle or Oval as your blur shape.
- Resize the blurred area: Click and drag any corner of the box to blur a bigger or smaller area.
- Change when the blurring happens: Click and drag the ends of the timeline to set when the blurring begins and ends.
- Prevent the blurred area from moving at all: Select Fix blur position to make sure the blurred area always stays in the same place.
- Blur multiple areas: Click and drag new boxes over the parts you want to blur.
- You can download your edited video and upload it again to publish the changes you made.