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What is a verified Page or profile?

Some Pages and profiles have been verified by Facebook to let people know that they're authentic:

Some Pages and profiles have been verified by Facebook to let people know that they're authentic:

  1. If you see a blue badge on a Page or profile, it means that Facebook confirmed that this is the authentic Page or profile for this public figure, media company or brand. Keep in mind that not all public figures, celebrities and brands on Facebook have blue badges.
  2. If you see a gray badge on a Page, it means that Facebook confirmed that this is an authentic Page for this business or organization. Learn more about how to verify a Page.
Note: It's not possible to purchase either type of verified badge.
Is my page eligible for verification? 


First: Facebook verified pages that is compelete the Facebook Policy

Second: your page should follow to Facebook Pages Terms:


The following terms, as well as Facebook Data Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, apply to all Pages on Facebook. Additionally, all content on Pages must comply with Facebook Community Standards. You are responsible for ensuring that your Page complies with all applicable laws, statutes, and regulations.

I.    General

A.    A Page for a brand, entity (place or organization), or public figure may be administered only by an authorized representative of that brand, entity (place or organization) or public figure (an “official Page”).

B.    Any user may create a Page to express support for or interest in a brand, entity (place or organization), or public figure, provided that it does not mislead others into thinking it is an official Page, or violate someone's rights. If your Page is not the official Page of a brand, entity (place or organization) or public figure, you must:

i.    not speak in the voice of, or post content as though it was coming from, the authorized representative of the Page’s subject matter; and

ii.    make clear that the Page is not the official Page of the brand, entity (place or organization) or public figure.

C.    Content posted to a Page is public and viewable by everyone who can see the Page.

D.    You are required to restrict access to Pages (through Facebook gating functionality) as necessary to comply with applicable laws and Facebook policies, including Facebook Community Standards.

E.    You may not establish terms for your Page that conflict with Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, Data Policy or these terms.


II.    Page Management

A.   Page Names and Facebook Web Addresses

Page names and Facebook Web Addresses must accurately reflect Page content. We may remove administrative rights or require you to change the Page name and Facebook Web Address for any Page that fails to meet this requirement.

Page names must:

i.    not consist solely of generic terms (e.g., “beer” or “pizza”);

ii.    use proper, grammatically correct capitalization and may not include all capitals, except for acronyms;

iii.    not include character symbols, such as excessive punctuation and trademark designations;

iv.    not include superfluous descriptions or unnecessary qualifiers;

v.    not mislead others into thinking it is an official Page of the Page’s subject matter or is authorized by an authorized representative of the Page’s subject matter; and

vi.    not violate someone’s rights.

B.    Name Changes and Merges

Name changes and merges must not result in a misleading or unintended connection and must not substantially change the Page’s subject matter. Additionally, you must not request a name change or merge that would result in re-categorizing a product Page to a brand Page, a generic or opinion Page to a brand Page, or a Group to a Page.

C.    Collection of Data

If you collect content and information directly from users, you will make it clear that you (and not Facebook) are collecting it, and you will provide notice about and obtain user consent for your use of the content and information that you collect. Regardless of how you obtain content and information from users, you are responsible for securing all necessary permissions to reuse their content and information.

You will not collect users' content or information, or otherwise access Facebook, using automated means (such as harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers) without Facebook permission.

Don’t use information obtained from a person’s interaction with your call-to-action for any purpose other than to provide the service associated with the call-to-action. If you want to use this information for any other purpose, first obtain a person’s explicit consent.

D.    Tagging

You must not inaccurately tag content or encourage users to inaccurately tag content (ex: don’t encourage people to tag themselves in photos if they aren’t in the photo).

III.    Page Features

A.    Branded Content on Pages

1. Branded content must comply with Facebook Branded Content Policies.

2. You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including by ensuring that you provide all necessary disclosures to people using Facebook, such as any disclosures needed to indicate the commercial nature of content posted by you.

B.    Cover

All covers are public. This means that anyone who visits your Page will be able to see your cover. Covers can't be deceptive, misleading, or infringe on anyone else's copyright. You may not encourage people to upload your cover to their personal timelines.

C.    Applications on Pages

Apps on your Page must comply with the Facebook Platform Policies.

D.    Offers

If you create an offer using Facebook’s offer creation tool, the following policies apply:

i.    Facebook offers must be available for a limited time.

ii.    You may only run an offer if you are the merchant for or the manufacturer of the product or service you are promoting.

iii.    You must clearly and prominently disclose any restrictions on your offer (such as expiration date or limitations on redemption).

iv.    You are solely responsible for improper redemption, fraud, disputes or other issues that arise from the distribution and/or redemption of your offer.

v.    If your offer may be redeemed at a merchant not operated by you, it is your sole responsibility to communicate with the merchant and ensure they honor your offer.

vi.    You must only use the offer creation tool for its intended functionality and not to promote your website or other contact information, or to offer the equivalent of a gift card, gift certificate or stored value card.

vii.    You are responsible for ensuring that your offer complies with these terms and all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Offers are subject to many regulations (such as alcohol discounts and offers marketed to minors) and if you are not certain that your offer complies with applicable law, consult with an expert.

E.    Promotions

1. If you use Facebook to communicate or administer a promotion (ex: a contest or sweepstakes), you are responsible for the lawful operation of that promotion, including:

a.   The official rules;

b.   Offer terms and eligibility requirements (ex: age and residency restrictions); and

c.   Compliance with applicable rules and regulations governing the promotion and all prizes offered (ex: registration and obtaining necessary regulatory approvals)

2. Promotions on Facebook must include the following:

a.   A complete release of Facebook by each entrant or participant.

b.   Acknowledgement that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.

3. Promotions may be administered on Pages or within apps on Facebook. Personal Timelines and friend connections must not be used to administer promotions (ex: “share on your Timeline to enter” or “share on your friend's Timeline to get additional entries”, and "tag your friends in this post to enter" are not permitted).

4. We will not assist you in the administration of your promotion, and you agree that if you use Facebook service to administer your promotion, you do so at your own risk.


IV.    Page Content

A.    Pages promoting the private sale of regulated goods or services (including firearms, alcohol, tobacco, or adult products) must restrict access to a minimum age of 18.

B.    Pages that promote or facilitate online gambling, games of skill or lotteries, including online casino, sports books, bingo, or poker, are only allowed in specific countries with prior authorization from Facebook.

C.    Pages must not promote the sale of prescription pharmaceuticals. Pages for online pharmacies may be permitted with prior approval from Facebook.

D.    Pages must not contain false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive claims or content.

E.    Don't include third party products, brands or sponsors within your Page's cover photo or profile picture.

F.    Showmarks on Show Pages must accurately represent the show, and must not represent the parent entity or network.

G.    When sharing a third party link from your Page, don’t edit any elements of the post preview.



Third: Facebook Blue mark Verification is only available for these categories of pages which are:

- Journalists
- Popular Brand or Businesses
- Government Officials
- Celebrities
- Media
- Entertainment
- Sports Companies

Suppose if you have any local business which is popular then Facebook may claim your page if you are the official representative for it then their is no need to submit any type of request to Facebook for page verification. They'll automatically claim your page as verified depending on some details and minimum requirements mentioned by Facebook.

If you have pages that match the categories mentioned above, there will be chances to get your page or profile verified and your Facebook page must officially represent your local business or any personality and should be popular on Facebook. When you create a Facebook page provide all the real information about you or your business so Facebook can make sure you're the real person. You need to follow some instructions:

1) Link to your Profile or Page from the Official Website on your page or profile which you want to verify.
2) Provide accurate information in details about your business in the About Section of your Page or Profile.

In the About section you should add:

- Significant long and short description.
- Email.
- Official Website.


How to verify Facebook Page?


There is two ways to verify your page: 

1- Verify Page in supported regions

Part A: You will know that your page is eligible for verification by following this, from your page SETINGS go to GENERAL 

if you find there an option named 'Verify Your Page" then your page is eligible for verification, follow the steps to request your blue badge. 

Part B:  To request a verified badge, you need to follow the link given below and fill it with the real information:


2- Verify Page in non supported regions


I developed an extension that can send verification requests for all Facebook users in any non-supported regions, To request this extension contact me: 

-  Via my official facebook page (fast reply) 

- Via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (long reply)