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CODE PATCHED. FREE EXTENSION Facebook Invite All Friends To Like Your Page - Chrome Extension

Video Tutorial at The End Of This Article



Follow these steps :


To invite friends to like your Page, make sure you're using Facebook as yourself and not as the Page.


From your Page's admin panel:

  1. Click Build Audience 
  2. Select Invite Friends from the dropdown menu

In the dropdown next to the search box, make sure Search All Friends is selected!

Scroll ALL the way down until names stop loading 

Right Click anywhere in the page and choose " Inspect Elemet " 

A new window will pop up , click " Console " . 

Now copy all this code : 





Paste the code beside the small blue arrow , to paste the code click with your mouse button .
and then from your keyboard click CTRL + V 
After pasting the code , hit " Enter " button from your keyboard . 
A successful message will tell you how many friends you invited
Incase this window appears click " Wait " , when done close your " inspect element " window 

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