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# Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin Coru LFMember - Stored Cross Site
# Date: 26-04-2022
# Exploit Author: Mariam Tariq - HunterSherlock
# Vendor Homepage: https://wordpres # Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin Coru LFMember - Stored Cross Site
# Date: 26-04-2022
# Exploit Author: Mariam Tariq - HunterSherlock
# Vendor Homepage: LFMember/
# Version: 1.0.2
# Tested on: Firefox
# Contact me:

# Vulnerable Code:


<td class="manage-column"><input type="text" value="<?php print
$result['game_image'] ?>" name="game_image[]" /></td>
<td class="manage-column"><?php print
stripslashes($result['game_name_short']) ?></td>
<td class="manage-column"><input type="text" value="<?php print
stripslashes($result['game_name_long']) ?>" name="game_name_long[]" /></td>
<td class="manage-column"><textarea name="game_description[]" rows="4"
cols="10"><?php print stripslashes($result['game_description'])
<td class="manage-column"><input type="text" value="<?php print
$result['game_link'] ?>" name="game_link[]" /></td>



1. Install the Coru LFMember WordPress plugin and activate it.
2. Go to LFMember -> Add New and inject XSS payload “><img src=x
onerror=alert(1)> in the fields given i.e, Game Image Name, Game Short
Name, Game Long Name, Game Description, and Links to.
3. XSS will trigger and will be stored.

## POC Image