# Exploit Title: Online Doctor Appointment Booking System PHP and Mysql 1.0 - 'q' SQL Injection
# Google Dork: N/A
# Date: 11/16/2020
# Exploit Author: Ramil Mustafayev
# V # Exploit Title: Online Doctor Appointment Booking System PHP and Mysql 1.0 - 'q' SQL Injection
# Google Dork: N/A
# Date: 11/16/2020
# Exploit Author: Ramil Mustafayev
# Vendor Homepage: https://projectworlds.in/free-projects/php-projects/online-doctor-appointment-booking-system-php-and-mysql/
# Software Link: https://projectworlds.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/PHP-Doctor-Appointment-System.zip
# Version: 1.0
# Tested on: Win10 x64, Kali Linux x64
# CVE : N/A
######## Description ########
# An SQL injection vulnerability was discovered in PHP-Doctor-Appointment-System.
# In getuser.php file, GET parameter 'q' is vulnerable.
# The vulnerability could allow for the improper neutralization of special elements in SQL commands and may lead to the product being vulnerable to SQL injection.

Vulnerable code:

include_once 'assets/conn/dbconnect.php';
$q = $_GET['q']; // Vulnerable param
// echo $q;
$res = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM doctorschedule WHERE scheduleDate='$q'"); // Injection point

Used Payload:



Extracted database: qbqvqdb_healthcareqvbxq