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solving the joomla error where administrator Redirecting to Home Page

While you cant access administrator in order to disable some plugins

you need to login to cpanel then phpmyadmin

select your joomla database

fined the table with the name ends of "_extensions" 

Select the maximum  "Number of rows" to show which is mostly (500) 

order your extensions 

some extensions that may cause this issue : 

(1) AdminExile - which is a plugin that expects a secret code appended /administrator/?code=123ABC

(2) Akeeba Admin tools can also do this with the secret code, but also have other tools for blocking IP's, preventing brute force logins etc, and if your own IP is blocked, will do as you have seen, redirect tothe home page, not to the /administrator login form.

There are probably many others that offer these sorts of features, but I don't know what you're using.


if that doesnt work then : 

Sort the table on ID Descending.
The non-core extensions that have been installed later, will be ID 1000 and higher.
Look especially for the names of the system plugin.

if that doesnt work

From file manager navifate to these foloders:


For each folder, check if if there is any component,plugin or module that is not installed on your website.

Use google search, type the folder name see if that folder belongs to 3rd party component,plugin or module, if so just delete it, but before make sure to take a copy of your website. 


if that doesnt work

try to replace (plugins/system) system folder with raw fressh joomla folder , make sure to take a copy of that folder, other wise you gonna lose your website 


once you succeeded you need to naviagete to : 

and Rebuild button, once rebuild the issue should not get back again at all. 

mostly such issue exists after upgrading from joomala 3 to joomla 4 


 IF this issue remains, you can as for a paid assistant by email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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