Year 2014 ended with a lot of facebook vulnerabilities counted over 223 exploit .
Year 2014 ended with four Facebook bounties Listed in :
A. Pages Admins Disclosure
A vulnerability that allows me to know any Facebook page admin account .
Bounty : 2000$
Article :
B. Bypass Admin Roles
A vulnerability that allows me to edit any Facebook page, such as Facebook security page, celebrities pages, politics pages .. etc
Bounty : 2500$
Article :
C. Bypass Blocking System
A vulnerability that allows me to bypass Facebook prevention/blocking system, exploit coded into chrome extension to send mass notifications for friends and friends of friends, used in increasing page likes and post reaches .
Bounty : 2500$
Article :
The Funny Part For You :
Total Bounties equal to 5500$, however Facebook paid me 6000$, with extra 500$ .
I emailed them about their transaction mistake, and if i should send them the extra money back, their reply was " its our mistake and the 500$ is yours " .
Another Facebook vulnerability was at december/2014, but i will write about it in 2016 as Facebook paid me in 2015 .