Category: FaceBook Hacks & Tutorials
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Some well-known public figures and Pages with large followings are verified by Facebook as having an authentic identity. You'll see a blue badge  next to a verified profile or Page's name.

These profiles and Pages may include:

  • Celebrities

  • Journalists

  • Government officials

  • Popular brands and businesses

Facebook verify profiles or Pages to help users be sure that the owners who they claim to be. 

A question that every one want an answer for it :

How and when Facebook will verify my page/account ?! [Depends On Facebook Help]

In Fact you can't request to have your profile or Page verified. Facebook verify your 
page/account dynamically .

And that mean there is a conditions should be set before facebook system verify your page/account .

Facebook verified pages/accounts depends on numbers of fans/followers ,the actual fans/followers are unknown but for sure pages/accounts should have huge fans/followers .

My page/Account have a huge number of fans/followers , what should i do to make my page verified ?

I mentioned above that verifying is dynamic . How ever, that what facebook says in their help documents .

Verifing pages for now can be accepted for public figures, by filling a form asking facebook to verify your page. But before you fill the form you need to make sure that the listed down terms for verifing pages is followed .

You need to help facebook gathering the correct details/information about you , here is the steps/terms you should take :

Click here : , take a few minutes survey within my website and see how it is integerated with my  facebook page/account , also take a look at my page about .

Note that not every verified page/account is a real person/company/celebrity .. etc . because if any user followed the above methods he will got a verified page/account , last month there was a fake verified account for zuck and facebook delete it .

All the above terms are included within my page and my website, what next?

This step for pages that hodling public figures only, if your page is for business facebook will reject your demand . 

Facebook launched MENTIONS , where you can visit it and download the APP for your IPHONE.


Then ask for a verification, or navigate to this link : . And fill the form with your page info .

This article will updated later for how to verify business pages .

Any Question leave it as a comment down . 

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Article by : khalil shreateh