Unfriend users who do not liked or commented or shared your posts
Facebook Lowest Active Users Removal will rank your Facebook friends via their actions towards your posts (like, share or comment). Simpy you chose the lowest amount of those users to unfriend them.
How to use
- Download and install ( Use Opera Browser)
- Refresh your Facebook.com main page
- Chose how many friends you want
- Get token https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=277&list=PL4UyCxi9Jr9O5tQ3tBRLcQB5EF7BjPZVn&v=J8YyY0ZNT80&feature=youtu.be
- Hit 'START' button and wait till it finish.
- Check the box beside each friend you want to delete
- Finaly hit the 'Unfriend Checked' button to delete them
English Tutorial:
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Support me by clicking this link and share with your friends :)
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