Category: Facebook Scripts
Hits: 120006

Facebook Friends Requests Accept/Reject , Accept/Reject Your Pending Friends Requests All At Once



Why I need This Script ?!

Using Facebook Friends Requests Accept/Reject all at once will save your time accepting/rejecting pending friend requests one after another.


- Chose to Accept or Reject  friend requests

- Set time in seconds between each request ( To avoid Facebook Block, i sugget 5 seconds ).

- Check "Terms of use" checkbox to accept the terms of use. (Contact me for a clean copy out of Terms of use)

- Hit Start button .


الشرح بالعربية:



Installation: طريقة التحميل
First - أولا

Second - ثانيا

English Tutorial:

فيديو عربي يشرح تحميل الاضافة واستخدامها :
Contact me if you want a private copy free of terms of use

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ادعمني على موقع باتريون :

Support me by clicking this link and share with your friends :) 

لدعم الملحق انقر هنا وشارك الفيديو مع اصدقائك 


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