Send Reminder For Group Members in once single click ... 

Facebook Group Members Reminder



 This extension is easy to use : 

- Paste your group URL or group ID 

- Wait interval in seconds = how many seconds per each 10 sent reminds? for example if you chose 5 then the extension will send 10 reminders and wait 5 seconds for the next 10 reminders to be snet. this is helpful to avoid getting blocked by Facebook. 

- Agree with terms of use and hit Send Reminders! button 

شرح يوتيوب

Youtube Tutorial


Installation: طريقة التحميل
First - أولا

Second - ثانيا

English Tutorial:

فيديو عربي يشرح تحميل الاضافة واستخدامها :
Contact me if you want a private copy free of terms of use

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ادعمني على موقع باتريون :

Support me by clicking this link and share with your friends :) 

لدعم الملحق انقر هنا وشارك الفيديو مع اصدقائك 


For suggestions or reporting a bug in any extensions, open this page ( click her). then scroll down and leave it in comments