Category: FaceBook Hacks & Tutorials
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In this article you will learn how to improve post reach (organic reach) and how to increase your page likes without paying a penny  

This article will be in two parts, first part is about how to improve your page post reach (Oragnic Reach), next part is about how to increase your page likes without paying a penny. 

Before you continue reading, you should know that Facebook keeps updating the system so use the tricks on your own risk! 


Part 1: ::TIPS:: Page Features and Posts Rank

Why did you create a Facebook page?! 

OK! so when you create a Facebook page, you want to get audiences either to get traffic from Facebook or to promote your company work or products.. etc 

When you created a Facebook page you will be prompt to chose a name, this name is used to link your page with search engines such as google and will be used by users to search for your page. but this is not enough to spread your page, there is many other things you should fill to spread more. 

- Page username, its important to chose the correct and perfect username for your page, read more :

- Page about section: in this section there is many fields you should fill out, i suggest you adding many links as you want, (wbesite, social media profiles, youtube, videos..), its usefull to get traffic and increase your other social accounts followers. 

- Page call to action button: chose call to action button, this will let you have traffic when users click on it, chose (watch video, contact us .. etc) 

- Page reviews: for me its important to active page reviews, because review is an activity and it will show on user's timeline, though his friends can click and visit your page. 

- You can chose to ad products in shop section, also services in service section. (Youtube Tutorial Bellow)


Facebook ranks posts, here is my rank for Facebook posts depends on my experiences : 

1- Video post

2- Image Post

3- Static text post

4- link post

And as you see link post comes at last, cause Facebook wants you to pay money to get the users out of Facebook. 


Part 2: ::TRICKS:: Increase Your Page Likes Without Paying a Penny!

So how to get traffic without paying money?!!  (use on your own risk!)

Depends on my posts rank above, you should not keep your page posts in a same field, for example you should not keep posting about your company products or posting your youtube channel links .. etc 

The best for your page is to mix your posts, and i mean by mixing posts here is to create posts that Facebook users love to like, comment and share them. as an example you can upload a funny video to get high post reach. Make sure that my point here is to get high post reach, i will show you how to take advantage of this part later. 

We all agree that the best for page to increase likes is "Content", Rich contents will increase your page likes, such as AJ+ Page :

Ok! when you have a high post reach it means you have many likes, comments and shares. Facebook allows you to invite users who reacted to you post to like your page, so as high as your post reach goes as much as you can send invites. 

Same for users who left comments on your post, you can send them message and add your custom message which may contains links or promotion for your work. 

Some other tricks to follow: 

- Invite your friends to like your page : Facebook Invite All Friends To Like Your Page - Chrome Extension

- Share your page post with your friends and share on groups 

- Create a contest :) 

Please use this link to share the article on Facebook


In this YouTube video iam talking about tips and tricks, some tricks are not mentioned in this article, so watch it carefully.