Google Lens is an image recognition technology developed by Google, designed to bring up relevant information related to objects it identifies using visual analysis based on a neural network
Google added this feature for both android and iOS devices in its google application, however lately google started to test it on dekstop via its famous browser chrome.
So how youc an activate this feature and use it on your desktop ?
- Navigate to this url chrome://flags/#enable-lens-region-search ( For security reasons link wont open by clickingl Right click and copy link then paste it in the URL )
- chrome will highlight "Search your screen with Google Lens" beside it change "Default" to "Enaled", once changed chrome will show you a new button at the bottom says "Relauch" hit it to relauch your broswer
How to use google lense on chrome dekstop
On any page just right click on an empty area, a new button will be shown on the context menu says "Search part of the page with Google Lens" . Hit it then you will be able to highlight any area on your page to start searchin it.